Are You Real (5:14)
5.ARE YOU REAL (5:14)

Micke Bjorklof

ISRC Code:FI83M2300005

Release date: June 16, 2023

Producer: Micke Bjorklof
Recorded and mixed by Kimmo Ahola
Mastered by Svante Forsbäck

Songwriter: Ville Leppänen
Publishing: Lowland Publishing

Song about humanity: Thoughts of a prisoner serving a life sentence in a isolation cell. No human contact. Only a bible at the table. This is the darkest song of this lyrically dark album. Lefty ́s wailing slide guitar matches Micke’s lamentation well. Hammond organ creating a nice texture.
“This is oldest song, it was a last minute track to our previous studio album. We ran out of time then, I ́m glad we got it together now,” Micke says.

Micke Bjorklof: vocals
Lefty Leppänen: guitars
Teemu Vuorela: drums
Seppo Nuolikoski: bass
Timo Roiko-Jokela: malletkat, keyboard
Harri Taittonen: Hammond organ