Colors Of Jealousy (3:27)

Micke Bjorklof

ISRC Code:FI83M2300003

Release date: June 16, 2023

Producer: Micke Bjorklof
Recorded and mixed by Kimmo Ahola
Mastered by Svante Forsbäck

Songwriter: Ville Leppänen
Publishing: Lowland Publishing

Not being able to trust your companion and love is a miserable thing, a lot of people seem to suffer from this symptom. In the worst case you end up doing something real bad that has devastating consequences. Song begins with a riff played by tremolo guitar and vibraphone having a touch of Ennio Morricone vibes. Static rhythm section with resonator guitar driven countryblues loop rolling ads dramatic feel. The underpinning hammond organ and female background singers lend the song a haunting soulful feel. One might even hear a touch of Nick Cave and Billy Idol. From the first demo it was pretty clear to me that it will end up on the album. I just love the sound of this one, says Bjorklof

Micke Bjorklof: vocals, guitar
Lefty Leppänen: guitars
Teemu Vuorela: drums
Seppo Nuolikoski: bass
Timo Roiko-Jokela: malletkat, keyboard
Harri Taittonen: Hammond organ
Lena Lindroos: backing vocals
Veera Railio: backing vocals