Nothing Too Hard For God
Can God protect us, and give enough to eat, a place to live, can He meet our every need, when all I make, can be so easily erased, can He answer my prayer for the people in my care? Is there anything too hard for God, He can move a mountain, or heal a broken heart, the storms in life He can calm, is there anything, anything at all, too hard for God. He can humble the proud, give strength to the weak, be a light to the lost, and heal in grief, a loving Father, who knows our every need, who hears when we pray, when we listen to what He says. Is there anything too hard for God, He can move a mountain, or heal a broken heart, the storms in life He can calm, is there anything, anything at all, too hard for God. We have not, because we ask not, because our hearts and minds are closed. But if His people, which are called by His name shall humble themselves and pray, Is there anything too hard for God, He can move a mountain, or heal a broken heart, the storms in life He can calm, is there anything, anything at all, too hard for God.Jesus Christ is God, King of kings and Lord of lords, creator of heaven and earth, His love fills the universe, nothing too hard for my God.