I Pray In The Power
When my problems seem so overwhelming, and solutions are not right in hand. Instead of complaining or stressing, I just take it to Jesus in prayer. I pray in the power of His name, the greatest name in heaven and earth, I lift my voice and rejoice, in the power of Jesus' name. I pray for the peace of the land where I live, I pray for the family and friends, I pray for the Church and the spread of new birth, and that one day it will cover the earth. I pray in the power of His name, the greatest name in heaven and earth, I lift my voice and rejoice, in the power of Jesus' name. All that He bought us, all that He taught us, all this His name represents, and of all that He is and all that He has, all that we need He can give. I pray in the power of His name, the greatest name in heaven and earth, I lift my voice and rejoice, in the power of Jesus' name.