Raisins and Almonds/Rozhinkes Mit Mandlen

“In a corner of the Temple the widowed daughter of Zion sits,
Rocking her only son Yidele to sleep.
She sings a tender lullaby:

Under Yidele’s cradle stands a snow-white kid (a young goat – a symbol of prosperity)
The kid has been to market -That will be Yidele’s calling, too - Trading in raisins and almonds
Sleep now, Yidele, sleep.

There will come a time of railroads -They will cover half the earth -
You’ll travel the iron roads- And on them you will earn great wealth.
But even when you are rich, Yidele, Remember your mother’s lullaby -
Trading in raisins and almonds - That will be your calling -
Yidele will be a great merchant, Sleep now, Yidele, sleep.”