It Ain't the Fall (That Hurts)
written for my Dad who was an old school cowboy and did everything the hard way and expected you to be tough enough to get bucked off on your head and laugh about it or better yet don't get bucked of at all!
One of the things he ussed to say to me right after i had been pitched on my noggin was "It ain't the fall that hurts, it's the sudden stop that causes pain." After several years of distance from these incidents it occurred to me one day that he was correct. The fall itself never did really hurt but man the landing! WOW! LOL
It occurred to me at some point that the same was true of "love"
being in love has always been the good part of the "Fall" it's the sudden absence of that love that hurts so damned bad.
So there you have it! A new song!