Larry Folk - Hey Politician!
Hey Politician!
©2012, 2024 Lawrence J Folk/Folkscript Music (SOCAN/BMI)
All lyrics clean

Hey you, politician
Why should we listen to you?
Hey you, politician
Just do what we elected you to do

Left or Right, pick your fight
It doesn’t matter you all know you know you’re right
Dark shiny suit,
*Dirt- eatin’ grin
We’d be smiling too if we had your Wall Street friends.
Why not shut your mouth and do what we sent you to do
Look out for the nation and stop looking out for you.

Hey you, politician
Why should we listen to you?
Hey you, politician
Just do what we elected you to do

Used to be what everybody knew ‘bout politicians
Was they would smile and lie to us
And we’d pretend to listen
Seems like everything has gone and turned the other way
Now people hang on every word these idiots have to say.

Hey you, politician
Why should we listen to you?
Hey you, politician
Just do what we elected you to do
Can’t stand the garbage you spew
Nobody wants to hear from you.

*Radio Edit