Spread The Peace
Spread The Peace

Music & Lyric by Lee Rugless

Our Father,
Who art in heaven,
How long must we cry?
Hatred is on a rampage,
Inequities abound,
Can we reach?
Can we reach?
Can we reach higher ground?

Spread the Peace.
Spread the Peace.

Father, Father,
So many people hungry,
Yet somewhere,
Food is thrown in the streets.
Can we through meditation?
Raise the standard high?
We just look to the sky,
For our answer by and by.


Mother, mother,
We see our children dying,
Sometimes it seems like the end is nowhere in sight.
I believe a change is comin'
Two wrongs will not make it right,
No we won't give up hope,
We'll try day...day and night.


2004 Lee Rugless