Traveling Woman - Lady Adrena
I felt it was important to write about being a traveling woman all over the world singing the blues to share the transformative experiences and cultural exchanges that shaped my musical journey.

By documenting these travels, I aim to highlight the universal appeal and emotional resonance of the blues, showcasing how this genre transcends borders and connects people from diverse backgrounds. My stories offer insights into the power of music to bridge gaps, foster understanding, and create a global community united by the shared language of the blues.

Let me tell you about Traveling Woman by Lady Adrena.

Traveling Woman is 3 minutes and 34 seconds long. It's in the key of A minor and the time signature is 4 beats per measure. Loudness is -6.59 db and the tempo is around 94.99 bpm.

Acousticness: 8% - Track isn't acoustic

Danceability: 75% - Track is good for dancing

Instrumentalness: 0% - Likely isn't instrumental

Energy: 72% - Track is energetic

Speechiness 10% - Probably doesn't contain talking

Liveness: 29% - Track was recorded in a studio (not live)

Valence: 80% - Vibe is happy, cheerful, and/or euphoric