Blues Chose Me - Lady Adrena
I wrote "Blues Chose Me" to reflect a personal journey of discovering and being embraced by the blues genre. This song embodies the idea that the blues is not just a choice but a calling, capturing the deep, intrinsic connection you feel with the music.
Through heartfelt lyrics and soulful melodies, "Blues Chose Me" expresses how the blues found its way into my life.
Let me tell you about Blues Chose Me by Lady Adrena.
Blues Chose Me is 3 minutes and 37 seconds long. It's in the key of G-sharp major and the time signature is 4 beats per measure. Loudness is -5.61 db and the tempo is around 89.97 bpm.
Acousticness: 0% - Track isn't acoustic
Danceability: 56% - Track is good for dancing
Instrumentalness: 0% - Likely isn't instrumental
Energy: 74% - Track is energetic
Speechiness 5% - Probably doesn't contain talking
Liveness: 21% - Track was recorded in a studio (not live)
Valence: 71% - Vibe is happy, cheerful, and/or euphoric
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