Did You Forget Me
Did U Forget Me
(Ooo, nooo, oooo)

Verse 1
O, I, I, I don’t know but why it seems that you have forgotten me
I left the ones I love with hope and faith that fame would come to me
(Backs) nothing good comes fast Lee keep your faith and your hope in me will carry u to a place don’t give up know your so close 2 the stars listen to me don’t ignore thee
I am real I'm the spirit and they all will see I heard your cry and your plead and even beg to me you’ll see greater things than what others achieved I am the king stay with me

Oh in my heart I always kneel to you, for all my dreams in my heart that I hope come true but often at a time in my life I wondered. (Lead –Did you forget me)
Oh in my soul I know your word is true for all my goals and my plans that I hope come through but often at a time in my life I pondered. (He will always be there for you)

Verse 2
I’m I’m I’m so lost I work so -am hard but they don’t seem to appreciate me. What, what is wrong I’m talented and all and this career feels right like destiny
(Backs) your talent was the reason that they looked away if your better they will fear that you’ll take their place
Raise your voice to the clouds and continue to say (I am yours use me)
In his word he’ll never leave you nor forsake u, nor hurt u, just love him just abide him he is the king worship thee

Oh in my heart I always kneel to you, for all my dreams in my heart that I hope come true but often at a time in my life I wondered. (Lead –Did you forget me)
Oh in my soul I know your word is true for all my goals and my plans that I hope come through but often at a time in my life I pondered. (He will always be there for you)

Ooo…….did u overlook me?
No……..my word is bond don’t question me!

Testimony-December 16, 2000 I remember that pain like it was yesterday, I was upset hurt frustrated and I really needed someone to talk to. I called my mom and let her know the thoughts that were racing through my mind, she immediately directed me to the word of GOD and then we prayed Hallelujah.
From that point on there was no more confusion you see I understand that every door that open for me was meant to open for me and every door that closed, it closed purposely, see he never gave up on me my doubts and fear were from another entity but lets not give that evil entity to much victory, moving on. See and after that day I continue to press and persevere you see I can see my dreams the picture is all so clear