But If Not
But If Not
There were three Hebrew children a long time ago
Called Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. They would not bow before the king
Or the idol made of gold, our God will deliver us as He told us so.
But if not, I’ll serve him anyway, all the little things He gives us and His blessings every day. He said He’d be with us His blood has power to save but if not I’ll serve Him anyway.
As I travel on this journey and my way grows dark and cold I’m living on a promise God will not leave me alone. For I know He’ll see me through whatever trials come my way and with His guiding hand upon me the victory I’ll proclaim.
But if not, I’ll serve him anyway, all the little things He gives us and His blessings every day. He said He’d be with us His blood has power to save but if not I’ll serve Him anyway.
But if not I’ll serve Him anyway.