Benyaro - Bullet-Like Belief
Ben Musser and Tucker Yaro met in the spring of 2005. Tucker responded to Ben's bitter posting, they chatted, then discovered they lived close to one another in Brooklyn, NY. Convenience motivated them to meet. Tucker was moved by the depth of sound Ben created on his four-track. Ben was equally inspired by Tucker's musical and vocal ability and found it added a new dimension to his material.

Ben worked for a personal manager of recording artists that believed he had a gift. She told him that if he proved he was willing to work for it, she would help. With no draw yet to book gigs the manager suggested they hone their skills on the subway platforms. If they drew crowds consistently, they knew they had something. Drawing crowds came easier than Ben, Tucker or Ben’s boss thought possible. Benyaro quickly became a favorite of the cops on the station beat.

Next, Musser incorporated the strong vocal ability of his sister, Meg Chamberlin. Meg’s voice adds a choir like combo of sweetness and power. She also lends bits of percussion to the live show.

The trio began booking in Austin, Nashville, Atlanta, Chicago, DC, Charlotte, Philly, Richmond, Charlottesville, etc. via word of mouth with no demo to hand to bookers or promoters. They became at once a critic’s pick and a crowd pleaser. Benyaro supported the legendary Malcolm Holcombe in Boston, NYC and in Johnson City, TN.

Only a year and a half later Benyaro saved enough money to record their self-released, self-titled debut album which is now available at Benyaro shows, on iTunes, CD Baby and across the internet. The project is produced by Ben Musser and features the trio performing material written by Musser and a uniquely gifted LA songwriter, Scott Claassen, who also appears as guest pianist/organist on one tune as well. The album is receiving great press and airplay from DJs across the countryCatch a gig. Enjoy quality live music and pick up this their treasurable CD. Add it to your collection of quality music. You will play it addictively.

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