Rachael Kilgour - My dad worked hard
My dad worked hard **language warning**

My dad worked hard
From the time he was young
To win the respect of his father The love of his mom

Nobody had high hopes For the scrappy farm kid
But nobody loved a challenge Like my old man did

So with his hands and his sweat With a hammer and a cigarette Long hours in the hot sun
He laid a foundation

Late for dinner every night Sunburn and an appetite
In the end he made out alright With three kids and a frugal wife

My dad worked hard
Did yours work harder?
Is that what his thriving investments prove?
Well, I’m not saying that he didn’t earn the right to take it easy I’m just saying that I’m pretty sure my dad did too

He got the job done right
No you couldn’t call him lazy And he wouldn’t overcharge you Not like the big names did

He’d build a house from the ground up Run the numbers in his head
He’d make enough to feed the family And make it home to tuck me into bed

And he never gave up
until his body gave in And his mind grew thin No you never can tell How time will treat you She’s a great deceiver

Now he’s home every night He’s home every day too
He needs help getting out of his chair And can’t remember how to tie his shoes

I’ve been looking for the safety net The one that’s supposed to catch him
When we can’t afford the care he needs And he worked his whole god damn life

My dad worked hard
Did yours work harder?
Is that what a comfortable retirement proves?
I’m not saying that he didn’t earn the right to take it easy I’m just saying that I’m pretty sure my dad did too