Voices of Reason
Every time I see another, twisted sister, brother, father, mother loss control, well this world keeps on spinning, all the "bluesers" could be winning, embracing the air that our lungs do hold. You spend Your nights worrying, tossing & turning, when something bad happens You feel You got burned! Well Your worrying didn't stop it at all. You spend Your days pacing, Your heart, mind is racing, when things work out fine, still Your energy's wasted! You could have been living life & having a ball! Not saying whats the absolute truth, just saying stop shouting, "whats the use?" Stop, feeling low don't, shout, You might explode! Around, the highs & lows. Around the spinning world we go~ All You've got to do, is take Your time, stand up for Yourself & say, ... not saying whats the absolute truth, I'm just saying stop asking, "what's the use?"