Have You ever seen the seasons,
change before Your eyes?
You may think of all the reasons,
You want to run and hide....
from distant dreams from the Voice of Reason
they stay close by Your side....
Time set back, alone will free them,
come to reconcile~

Somehow seem to smile....
Let lost & free the child....
Let loose & feeling wild....
If only for a while~

Silence starts to slowly creep in,
bitter sweet surprise~
Seem so softly soundly sleeping,
Your shaking deep inside!
You've helped me kindly finally see things,
between truth & lies....
Time set back alone will free them!
Wisdom to the wise~

I can see it in Your eyes....
Well Your tears held up inside....
& Your breath begins to sigh....
Well it's time to say "Goodbye"

~I don't want to say Goodbye~