Jesus Wear The Crown
Writer: Zachary M Alvis

Where am I now?
Caught, Entangled, cast down
This vale I am in of darkness and sin,
Where can my hope be found?

The Prince of Peace
O’er sin hath victory
He met with me, Oh blessed be
His hand hath delivered me.

I have rest by your sorrow, and life by your death
You give me strength in my time of distress
By your wounds I’m forgiven, so my life I lay down
And let Jesus wear the Crown.

As the nations rage
And the peoples plot in vain
The Kings voice rings from mountain peaks
For you have made a way… Oh God, you are the way!


I have rest by your sorrow, and life by your death
You give me strength in my time of distress
By your wounds I’m forgiven, so my life I lay down
And let Jesus wear the Crown.

As darkness and hell surround,
Lord in you I will be found!
Though my trials still increase,
I will rest in your perfect peace