Stephen Foster Song
In the wild expanse of the new frontier
Stephen Foster saw light
Break upon his face in the dark
On a hot July night
And his nurse placed a rose in his tiny hand
And whispered into his ear,
"Stephen Foster now don't you weep
God is always near."

And he wrote the songs for the black-face shows
And was soon heard around the world
But in between the lines I can hear
Won't somebody please ~

Chorus: untie me. untie me. untie me. untie me

Well, the money vanished when it touched his hands
I read he drank it away
But the red, white, and blue claimed him for their own
He was a celebrated man

From "Oh, Susannah" to "The Camptown Races"
Our Beautiful dreamer did give
Our nation something to sing about
And how hard this life is


In a cheap New York City hotel room
Alone, desperate and sick
Stephen Foster fell and cut his throat
A light burned too quick
And in dreams mysteries fall away
Like leaves on a September morn
But Stephen Foster's kind of melodies
Are forever being born
