Turn It Loose

Turn It Loose - (3:39) 110 bpm (Groovin', danceable, fun song about pure Rock & Roll when there was no autotune)

Contact: Mark Lightcap
530-801-1216 mlightcap1@msn.com

Songwriter: Mark R. Lightcap - ASCAP

Publishing: Chester Street Publishing - ASCAP

ISRC: QZYFK2400024

Recorded at: Bad Daddy Studios

"Turn It Loose" is a fun commentary on some of today's music. Often times current songs are in my (Mark Lightcap's) opinion, over-produced and auto-tuned to the point of ridiculousness. It is sometimes hard to figure out where the song is amongst all the "modern toys." A great song can get lost in a production that is overly ambitious.

In the lyric I reference some of my favorite rock & roll artists who sounded incredible without all the modern bells and whistles. They relied solely on talent and some very nice analog recording gear, to deliver their songs and messages. I'm certainly not saying today's artists are not talented, it's just that overproducing their songs can do them a disservice. Great songs need to breath and doing too much can lead to a suffocated sound. Sometimes you just need to turn a song loose and hear it roar!

The production of "Turn It Loose" was fairly straight forward. The only real surprise came when I tracked Cole Spohr's harmonica. I had planned to have a guitar solo during the song, but Cole changed all that when he laid down a harmonica solo that knocked my socks off. Like a basketball player who is "in the zone" and can't miss, Cole was in the zone and ripped off an incredible track. Cole is a multitalented musician who plays several instruments including but not limited to, acoustic and electric guitar, slide steel guitar, mandolin, banjo, and harmonica. Who knows what instrument he'll bring into the studio next!

Lead vocal: Mark Lightcap Rhythm guitars: Lightcap/Spohr Harmonica: Cole Spohr Slide steel guitar: Spohr Drums: Vinnie Carini Bass guitar: Scott Hilke (R.I.P.)