Hey Dude Shut the Window

Hey Dude Shut the Window - (3:14) 95 bpm (Playful episode in songwriting creation.)

Contact: Mark Lightcap
530-801-1216 mlightcap1@msn.com

Songwriters: Mark R. Lightcap - ASCAP/Xavier McLachlan

Publishing: Chester Street Publishing - ASCAP

ISRC: QZYFK2400018

Mighta been midnight, mighta been two
I loose track when I feel the muse
I felt a song comin’ on, comin’ on strong
When it’s callin’ I can’t quit
I can’t quit til I finish it
With the muse loose it shouldn’t take long, then

Out of the darkness an angry voice
Dripping with violence he was more than annoyed, He yelled

“Hey dude shut the window
Hey dude you’re way too loud
I gotta work in the morning so I’m giving you a warning
Better wise up and turn it down”
He yelled, “Hey dude shut the window
Hey dude I need my sleep
It’s the middle of the night and it just ain’t right
You’d better stop now cause I am beat, I need my sleep”

Didn’t realize it was late,
So late I hesitated
To keep on, writin’ that song
So close to finishing it
You never know when you’ll write a hit
So I invited him to sing along

Apparently, I lit a fuse
There was no doubt he wasn’t amused, He yelled

“Hey dude shut the window
Hey dude you’re way too loud
I gotta work in the morning so I’m giving you a warning
Better wise up and turn it down”
He yelled, “Hey dude shut the window
Hey dude I need my sleep
It’s the middle of the night and it just ain’t right
You’d better stop now cause I am beat, I need my sleep”