Lightcap's All-Stars - Hogsback Road
  • Hogsback Road (Title track)
  • Yes
  • Almost
  • Hey Dude Shut the Window
  • In Shadows Cast
  • Better Man
  • Eyes of an Angel
  • Turn It Loose
  • I'll Marry the Ocean
  • Indestructible
  • Miss Penny
  • The Tingle of Love

Contact: Mark Lightcap


Click HERE to go to Mark Lightcap's TINGLE

Mark Lightcap is an award-winning songwriter with credits in television and film. He has a huge following on N1M with over 371,000 streams growing exponentially. HERE


Hi! Your music is hauntingly great. Major kudos. Take care. Emily

Your music is absolutely awesome!! You are doing a great job. Keep it up. India

Thank you, because magic may not be real.. but your songs are truly magical! Irma

So glad I found your music. It's my pleasure to listen and share Anita


Hogsback Road Release Date: August 12, 2024

Mark Lightcap’s latest release, HOGSBACK ROAD, has something for everyone, delivering twelve cutting edge Rock, Americana, and Country powerhouse songs. All songs were written or co-written by him. The lead vocals delivered by Mark Lightcap, Cole Spohr, Lisa Clydesdale, Bruce Marelich, and Ronnie Kimball are captivating, and resonate with honesty and passion. They add a sense of individualism while still maintaining the continuity of the album.

Lightcap hits the Americana Bullseye with the title track, Hogsback Road. He was inspired to write this song when his good friend told him how she used to hit the honky-tonks after her divorce and how when she headed back and passed the street Hogsback Road, she felt such a warm, peaceful feeling because she knew she was almost home. (see INFO for a more in depth explanation about how this song was born.) Lightcap’s close friend Cole Spohr, with the mighty yet warm baritone voice, sang the lead vocal and knocked it out of the park!

Other songs on this album are just as riveting as Hogsback Road. You WILL get up and dance to the rock songs, Yes, Hey Dude Shut the Window, and Turn It Loose. You WILL be moved to the depths of your soul by the instant classic, In Shadows Cast, a tragic story about the horrific effects Alzheimer’s disease has on loved ones. Each of the 12 songs will move you in an exciting yet different way. You WILL be mesmerized as each song on the album takes you on a new musical adventure.

Hogsback Road was recorded, produced, and engineered by Mark Lightcap in the Bad Daddy Recording Studio, one of Northern California’s finest. The lone exception was the track Better Man which was recorded at The Gator Hole, Nashville.

When Lightcap set out to make this album he assembled the finest musicians, the best vocalists, and the most talented people he knew. Thus, the name: Lightcap's All-Stars. Located throughout the United States they ranged from California to Nashville, from Texas to New York. Mark sends out a special thank-you to these incredible musical savants who dedicated so many years of their life mastering their instruments and their craft.

The following musicians joined him in making this album:

Bruce Marelich - guitar/backing vocals/lead vocal on The Eyes of an Angel
Cole Spohr - guitar/vocals/mandolin/harmonica/lead vocal on Hogsback Road
Vinnie Carini - drums/backing vocals
Lisa Clydesdale - lead vocal on The Tingle of Love
Vera Bridges - fiddle/backing vocals
Steve Valine - pedal steel
Scott Hilke and Jerrad Benedict - bass guitar
Xavier McLachlan - ukulele
Mathias McLachlan - percussion
Ronnie Kimball - lead vocal on Better Man
Galen Breen - guitar/bass guitar/drums on Better Man

Mark R. Lightcap is an accomplished songwriter with credits in television and film. He placed first in the Country Category of the Great American Song Contest with his award-winning song, You See the Rose.

Chester Street Records and Mark Lightcap are proud and excited to continue their partnership with Airplay Direct. Lightcap says, “There is no better platform in the industry to showcase these 12 songs on my latest album, HOGSBACK ROAD."



Songwriter: Mark R. Lightcap - ASCAP

ISRC: QZYFK2400019

Songwriter Mark Lightcap says: The birth of title track "Hogsback Road" has quite the story and took quite the journey to get written. It all started back in the early 2000's when my sister-in-law and her husband finally split up. After the initial shock of the divorce wore off she started getting back into the dating scene. One day I was playing her some of my latest tunes and she said, "You should write a song called "Hogsback Road." Naturally curious I asked her what meaning Hogsback Road had to her. She has always loved Country music and said that she would sometimes come to our town and go to the local honky-tonks to dance. I asked her where Hogsback Road fits in? She said that after a night of dancing she would have to drive about 50 miles to get home. She knew that when she passed Hogsback Road on Highway 99 that she was almost there. I told her that that will make a great song someday and don't be surprised if I write it.

Well, it took a good number of years for the idea to percolate, but it was always in the back of my mind. About 10 or so years later the first inkling of a song finally made its way from my subconscious to the surface. I worked on it for a couple weeks and finally finished it in 2022. I also changed the story a little bit and wrote the lyric from a male perspective, anxious to get home to his family on, you guessed it, Hogsback Road. When it was time to produce and record I couldn't "hear" me singing the song. I loved this song and wanted it to sound the very best it possible could. Thankfully my very close friend Cole Spohr, with the powerful yet warm baritone voice, was gracious enough to do the lead vocal. And what a job he did!

It isn't often one takes an idea for a song and realizes that the finished product is no less than GREAT. I owe it all to my sister-in-law who hit the honky-tonks and said, "You should write a song called "Hogsback Road."

Lead vocal: Cole Spohr Lead guitar: Bruce Marelich Rhythm guitar: Mark Lightcap Bass guitar: Scott Hilke (R.I.P) Drums: Vinnie Carini Bagpipes: Mark Lightcap Backing vocals: Lightcap/Carini/Marelich

Note: Bad Daddy Bass Player Scott Hilke, passed away after a losing battle with cancer. R.I.P Scott

2. YES (3:47)

Songwriter: Mark R. Lightcap – ASCAP

ISRC: QZYFK2400015

"Yes" is about a guy who is looking for some positivity from his girlfriend, but all he receives is a "Debbie Downer" attitude. This leaves him very frustrated with unfulfilled desire. Recorded by the band Bad Daddy the music in this song really rocks! One can feel the singer's upset and annoyance, bordering less on anger and more on wondering why in the world she is like this.

Recorded in one of the finest recording studios in Northern California, Bad Daddy Studios, the musicians who participated in this adventure in recording pretty much nailed it!

While writing the song Lightcap envisioned a production with a Solid Rock Foundation. He doubled the bass line with a crunchy Strat giving the bottom a solid place from which to build the song.

Lead Vocal: Mark Lightcap Electric guitar: Bruce Marelich Rhythm guitar: Mark Lightcap Drums: Vinnie Carini Bass guitar: Scott Hilke (R.I.P) Backing Vocals: Vinnie Carini, Cole Spohr

3. ALMOST (4:06)

Songwriter: Mark R. Lightcap - ASCAP

ISRC: QZYFK2400016

"Almost" is all about attitudinal choices. One can choose to be miserable or choose to live life in a positive, happy way. Being the one who wrote this song (Mark Lightcap), I live my life by choosing happiness over anger and disappointment, and positivity over negativity.

The musicians who played on this recording, along with the musical goals of producer Mark Lightcap, gave the finished product a very mysterious yet grounded sound. Violin virtuoso Vera Bridges, elevated the instrumental tag into the musical stratosphere!

Note: "Almost" was originally on Bad Daddy's "Vintage" album. This recording was remixed and remastered.

Lead vocal: Mark Lightcap Violin/fiddle: Vera Bridges Mandolin: Cole Spohr Lead guitar: Bruce Marelich Rhythm guitar: Mark Lightcap Bass guitar: Jerrad Benedict Drums: George Newcom (R.I.P.) Backing vocals: Vera Bridges, Cole Spohr, Bruce Marelich Remix and Remaster: Mark Lightcap


Songwriter: Mark R. Lightcap - ASCAP/Xavier McLachlan

ISRC: QZYFK2400018

Songwriter Mark Lightcap says: "Hey Dude Shut the Window" is based on a somewhat humorous, very true story. Xavier McLachlan came to me one day and told me about a somewhat embarrassing thing that happened to him the night before. He said he had his windows open in his room because it was so hot. An angry voice from out of the dark yelled, "Hey dude, shut the window; I'm trying to sleep; I've got to work tomorrow!" Xavier who was only 11 at the time felt really bad about disturbing his neighbor. I asked Xavier what he was doing. He said he was practicing his guitar. I then asked him, "And what time do you think it was?" He sheepishly said, "Probably around two in the morning." I couldn't help but laugh and said, "No wonder your neighbor was a little upset!" I then said, "Xavier, this is going to make a GREAT SONG!" And thus was "Hey Dude Shut the Window" born.

Lead vocal: Mark Lightcap Lead guitar: Bruce Marelich Rhythm guitars: Mark Lightcap, Cole Spohr Drums: Vinnie Carini Bass guitar: Scott Hilke (R.I.P)


Songwriter: Mark R. Lightcap - ASCAP/Barney Bowden

ISRC: QZYFK2400022

There are times when a melody will pop into my (Mark Lightcap's) head, but without any words. At those times, so I don't forget, I often record the melodic idea using nonsensical words. If the muse strikes me later on, I will come up with a lyric.

I met Barney Bowden a few years ago over the internet. I told him of my dilemma coming up with words to some of my melodies. He said if I would send him the recorded song with the melody, he would put words to it. That's exactly what he did with "In Shadows Cast." When I read what he had come up with I was floored. The prosody of the words came really close to the melody I had sent him. His imagery, his message, and the fit of the lyric to the mood of the music amazed me. Barney is a very gifted lyricist and it was a real treat working with him.

I recorded "In Shadows Cast" in the Bad Daddy Recording Studio and I must confess, when I laid down the lead vocal for the first time I cried and had to do it again. Barney's lyric really got to me. I could feel the longing the lady had as she remembered times past, when her and her lover were young. The opening line of this song has always been one of my favorite: "Her falling tears form a pool, so deep Lord she might drown."

The backbone of the music is the good ole acoustic guitar. I actually tracked my lead vocal at the same time I recorded the guitar. The rest of the instruments were overdubs. This song really resonated with me. I felt it as deeply as any I have recorded during my musical career.

Lead vocal: Mark Lightcap Acoustic guitar: Mark Lightcap Strings: Bridges Drums: Carini Bass guitar: Hilke (R.I.P) Backing vocals: Lightcap/Carini/Spohr

6. BETTER MAN (3:05)

Songwriter: Mark R. Lightcap - ASCAP

ISRC: QZYFK2400021

"Better Man" is a Nashville masterpiece thanks to the talents of Ronnie Kimball and Galen Breen. I (Mark Lightcap) also received songwriting guidance from Jason Bloom, songwriter on several Britany Spears songs, in addition to many television and movie credits. Jason helped me bring the song to completion, and Ronnie and Galen brought it to life.

Ronnie is a well-known super vocalist and recording artist in Nashville. He has a vocal range that seems to know no bounds. His powerful vocals were a perfect fit for "Better Man."

Galen Breen owns The Gator Hole and provided the production, recording, musicianship, and mixing expertise. He hit this one out of the park!

I took a songwriting class from Jason Bloom in Nashville. When I asked him to autograph his book, "6 Steps to Songwriting Success" he wrote, "Mark, you CAN write hit songs!" Those words meant the world to me.

Lead vocal: Ronnie Kimball Electric guitars: Galen Breen Drums and bass: Galen Breen

7. EYES OF AN ANGEL (3:41)

Songwriter: Mark R. Lightcap - ASCAP Bruce Marelich - ASCAP

ISRC: QZYFK2400020

When long-time friend and musician Bruce Marelich and I (Mark Lightcap) collaborate on a song, something magical usually happens. The initial idea for Eyes of an Angel started with Bruce who was playing a sweet chord progression at a Bad Daddy practice one day. He had an idea for the melody but no words. Every now and then we would noodle around with it, but never got much further. Finally a story found its way into my mind. Once I had the idea, it wasn't long before I finished the verses, choruses, and bridges, and added a tag on the end for good measure.

We took the idea to the rest of the Bad Daddy band and they loved it. The next step was to produce and record the song. I took particular joy in creating the background harmonies. I channeled songwriting genius Brian Wilson, to bring an ethereal feel to the song. Bruce tracked a powerful yet tender lead vocal that fit the song like a glove.

Lead vocal and lead guitar: Bruce Marelich Rhythm guitar: Mark Lightcap Backing vocals: Lightcap/Carini/Spohr Drums: Vinnie Carini Bass guitar: Scott Hilke (R.I.P.)

8. TURN IT LOOSE (3:39)

Songwriter: Mark R. Lightcap - ASCAP

ISRC: QZYFK2400024

"Turn It Loose" is a fun commentary on some of today's music. Often times current songs are in my (Mark Lightcap's) opinion, over-produced and auto-tuned to the point of ridiculousness. It is sometimes hard to figure out where the song is amongst all the "modern toys." A great song can get lost in a production that is overly ambitious.

In the lyric I reference some of my favorite rock & roll artists who sounded incredible without all the modern bells and whistles. They relied solely on talent and some very nice analog recording gear, to deliver their songs and messages. I'm certainly not saying today's artists are not talented, it's just that overproducing their songs can do them a disservice. Great songs need to breath and doing too much can lead to a suffocated sound. Sometimes you just need to turn a song loose and hear it roar!

The production of "Turn It Loose" was fairly straight forward. The only real surprise came when I tracked Cole Spohr's harmonica. I had planned to have a guitar solo during the song, but Cole changed all that when he laid down a harmonica solo that knocked my socks off. Like a basketball player who is "in the zone" and can't miss, Cole was in the zone and ripped off an incredible track. Cole is a multitalented musician who plays several instruments including but not limited to, acoustic and electric guitar, slide steel guitar, mandolin, banjo, and harmonica. Who knows what instrument he'll bring into the studio next!

Lead vocal: Mark Lightcap Rhythm guitars: Lightcap/Spohr Harmonica: Cole Spohr Slide steel guitar: Spohr Drums: Vinnie Carini Bass guitar: Scott Hilke (R.I.P.)


Songwriter: Mark R. Lightcap - ASCAP

ISRC: QZYFK2400026

I've (Mark Lightcap) always loved Jimmy Buffett's music. The feel of "I'll Marry the Ocean" fits right in with that genre. Complete with steel drums and a tropical beach percussion track the song and its music puts you smack dab on Key West drinking Pina Coladas.

Lead vocal: Mark Lightcap Rhythm guitar: Lightcap Drums and percussion: Carini Bass guitar: Hilke (R.I.P.) Backing vocals: Carini


Songwriter: Mark R. Lightcap - ASCAP

ISRC: QZYFK2400028

There was a guy back in high school who walked around campus like he owned everything and everybody. He'd have a different girlfriend every other month. I (Mark Lightcap) remember wishing I had his confidence and toughness. He was the star on the football team and we played on the same baseball team, however we were never friends, more like acquaintances.

One of his many girlfriends was a friend of mine from grade school. Although we'd never been romantically involved we really liked each other and would sometimes reveal our innermost thoughts. After she had broken up with "Mr. Tough-guy" I was talking with her one day and asked her what happened. She said that on the surface he seemed really together and confident, but as soon as things became a little more involved and they started growing closer, he called it off. My friend figured he was actually pretty insecure and that the tough-guy exterior was just an act. That below that emotional armor he wore, might have been a tender loving person that he never let anyone see. She said that if he didn't figure out how to reveal his real self he'd probably end up all alone.

Quite a few years later I ran into him at the grocery store. His tough-guy good looks had taken a beating as he was balding and had a pretty substantial gut hanging over his pants. We said hi and I asked him how he was doing. He said he lived alone in an apartment and worked remotely for a computer tech company. He'd never been married and had no family to speak of. When we parted ways I couldn't help but think of my friend's comment back in high school, that he'd end up all alone if he didn't figure out how to reveal his real self. Two week later I wrote "Indestructible."

I created "Indestructible" on an acoustic guitar but I wanted the song to sound powerful. I'd always been a fan of Michael Jackson's "Beat It" where the bass guitar and crunchy electric guitar double each other. That is what I started with, laying down that solid bottom. I had a lot of fun with this production, adding harmony lead guitars on the instrumental and fills, and weaving together intricate background vocals during the "tag". This production was like putting together a puzzle, force the pieces to fit and I'd be in big trouble, put it together right and it would sound great.

Lead vocal: Mark Lightcap Lead guitar: Lightcap Rhythm guitar: Spohr Backing vocals: Carini/Spohr/Marelich Drums: Carini Bass guitar: Scott Hilke (R.I.P.)

11. MISS PENNY (3:26)

Songwriter: Mark R. Lightcap - ASCAP/Barney Bowden

ISRC: QZYFK2400027

This is another song with words by lyricist Barney Bowden. As I related in the "In Shadows Cast" Song Information, there are times when a melody will pop into my head, but without any words. At those times, so I don't forget, I often record the melodic idea using nonsensical words. If the muse strikes me later on, I will come up with a lyric.

I met Barney Bowden a few years ago over the internet. I told him of my dilemma coming up with words to some of my melodies. He said if I would send him the recorded song with the melody, he would put words to it. That's exactly what he did with "Miss Penny." When I read what he had come up with I was floored. Once again the prosody of the words came really close to the melody I had sent him. His imagery, his message, and the fit of the lyric to the mood of the music amazed me. Barney is a very gifted lyricist and it was a real treat working with him.

"Miss Penny" is a fairly bare bones production compared to some of today's songs. I started with my acoustic guitar and lead vocal and recorded them at the same time, recording the acoustic guitar direct so there would be no bleed onto the vocal track. I overdubbed just about everything else until the recording process was complete.

Lead vocal: Mark Lightcap Acoustic guitar: Lightcap Electric guitar overdub: Marelich Strings: Bridges Drums: Carini Bass guitar: Scott Hilke (R.I.P.)


Songwriter: Mark R. Lightcap - ASCAP

ISRC: QZYFK2400023

"The Tingle of Love" is a description of how I (Mark Lightcap) felt when I met the love of my life. I had never had much luck finding the "right person" with whom to share my life. When I met the lady who would transform my bleak world into a world of wonder it was just like the song says: "The moment your eyes locked onto mine, I could feel the rusty gates of love open wide."

At the time I was working with an amazing female vocalist by the name of Lisa Clydesdale. She had a voice unlike any I heard on the radio, with a sound all her own, and it was spectacular. I decided to rewrite the lyric from a female perspective so she could sing it.

Lisa nailed the first take! I remember saying, "There's no need to record any additional lead vocal tracks; you can't improve upon perfection!"

I brought in Steve Valine, a pedal steel musician, to give it that Traditional Country feel while I played the acoustic guitar. Later I overdubbed a Fender Telecaster part. It was a fun record to make and it checked all the boxes needed to make it a staple of Country & Western fans.

Lead vocal: Lisa Clydesdale Acoustic and electric guitar: Lightcap Backing vocal: Lightcap Drums: Carini Bass guitar: Hilke (R.I.P.)


Mark Lightcap is a loner who since early childhood hears songs inside his head he’s never heard before and tries like a dog worrying a bone to get those songs out of his head and onto paper, into the recording studio, and eventually in front of his fans.

Lightcap is prolific in several genres, including but not limited to Rock, Americana, Country Rock, and Traditional Country. Throughout his career he has also explored Pop and Rhythm & Blue. He plays the guitar and keyboards.

Mark learned to play piano when just a youngster, on his mother’s Baby Grand Piano. Although taught to site read, this would often bore him and he would color outside-the-lines and make stuff up.

High school introduced him not only to girls, but to the electric guitar which in his mind would help him meet girls. To that end, he joined a band called Uther Pendragon. The 4 band members lived and played music together for over 11 years. Guerssen Records released a triple vinyl LP of their songs, and it was written up in “It’s Psychedelic Baby Magazine.” HERE

Lightcap and former fellow Uther Pendragon bandmate Bruce Marelich formed another band around 2008. That band, Bad Daddy, was going strong until the Pandemic hit. Click HERE to go to BAD DADDY, STILL ROCKING THE WORLD

Lightcap is very thankful for the opportunity to work with so many talented musicians. He is extremely excited to have released HOGSBACK ROAD on Chester Street Records. Airplay Direct is the perfect vehicle to get his music to radio stations throughout the world and ultimately to his listeners.

Mark R Lightcap is an award-winning songwriter with credits in television and film.
  • Members:
    Lightcap-guitar/vocals Bruce Marelich-guitar/vocals Cole Spohr-guitar/vocals/mandolin/harmonica Vinnie Carini-drums/vocals Vera Bridges-fiddle/vocals Steve Valine-pedal steel Hilke/Benedict-bass Galen Breen-guitar/bass/drums Ronnie Kimball-vocals
  • Sounds Like:
    Steve Earle, Gregg Allman, Roy Orbison, Van Morrison, Paul McCartney, R.E.M., Pretenders, Stephen Stills, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Little Feat, Humble Pie, John Lennon, Fleetwood Mac, Del Shannon, Dion, Paul Simon, Loving Spoonful, The Byrds
  • Influences:
    Steve Earle, Paul Simon, The Doors, REM, Radiohead, Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, Merle Haggard, Lefty Frizzell, Peter, Paul and Mary, Jimmie Rogers, Morgan Wallen, Vince Gill
  • AirPlay Direct Member Since:
  • Profile Last Updated:
    09/26/24 06:17:03

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