9. Full-Silly
1. I was never one to follow sports of any kind
Always too busy, just never found the time
But when the local baseball team fought and won it all
My friends were standing 8 foot tall

They came to work all happy, went full-silly at the bar
Glorious in blue, those jerseys that they wore
Business suits were gone,
Flags were flying from their cars
I wanna be full-silly, too.

2. The new season came, I was ready for the ride
Bought myself that jersey, to all my friend’s surprise
There we were in double-blue, seemed a million strong
Cheering our boys of summer on.

3 A few weeks in, the team was oh and ten.
The champs would get to winning. Didn’t know just when
Half the jerseys disappeared, but faithful I would be
Get them on a winning streak.

4 The losing kept on coming, more jerseys were retired
Pretty soon no one wore that ugly blue attire
So onto Craiglist mine did go, the ending of my tale.
Jersey hardly worn, now for sale.