Blues For Christmas - Elly Wininger
I've got a little problem with the gifts that you give.
I'll never understand them as long as I live.
Like the check at the restaurant, the tab at the bar,
And the six parking tickets when you borrowed my car
And then there was the time you gave me the flu
But the worst was when for Christmas, you gave me the blues.

No wrapping, no ribbons, no cute little card.
Just a kiss and some excuses that caught me off guard.
Next time you shop for presents, just let me choose
A nice piece of jewelry, a new pair of shoes,
A two week vacation- now that's something I could use
But baby don't go giving me... any more blues.

You gave me the blues. Thanks a lot.
What were you thinking? Apparently not.
Don't come around here spreading bad news
Or next year for Christmas...I might give you the blues.

So I'm sitting out the holidays, at least for this year
And if a gift-wrapped package at my door should appear
I'm gonna be real careful if it's coming from you
'Cause I remember the Christmas... when you give me the blues.