The Superfallen
The Superfallen" is ambitious - pulling together the themes of Ed's earlier work, but pulled off with such assurance that we realise we are in the company of a master of the song writing craft. Listeners, you are in safe hands here. It begins as a beautiful harmony piece, Ed’s soft and soulful lyric echoing the deeply impressive tone of David Crosby in his finest work. Sung almost as a lullaby, reassuringly lulling us into a comfort that will juxtapose the climactic close in some six minutes time.
And then at 1min 40 the track changes, an organ coolly but jaggedly punctuates the haunting vocal. And something stirs...
Then the ground shifts once more; our hearts rise from our chests - spiralling melodically upwards and outwards; leaves lift from trees, the wind picks up, and we are taken into the air to breath it as Ed does. The bittersweet knowing of loves lost, but Ed has not given up on love - he reminds us what it is. Yes, through pain, but ultimately through sonic redemption.
The lilting, longing lyric grows in volume and passion - its repetition subsuming us with the hope, and it is hope, as Ed tells us 'he'll be there' (for her, for us? For us all?). Finally, the wind subsides, and as we make out way through the branches back down to earth - our eyes a little saltier - we hit play again to discern whether what we just heard was truly the timeless journey of our own souls...Sublime.