Tricia Eaves - Mama's Angels
Mama called me to her side, said darlin I know I'm dying
Would you stay with me, and keep me company,
And watch over me while, my soul flys, up to heaven

She had a list called to her side, for their last long goodbyes.
Then she began to slide one foot with us, the other on heavens side
And she began to sing, her face reflecting, what she saw in heaven

Now ill never ever be afraid of dyin

She smiled and laughed, the little girl from her past,
Heart full of love and joy, as she told us the story,
Of wonders, loved ones and Angels, waiting for her in heaven.

She saw angels all around her, her pain went away.
There were big ones and small, they filled her room and the hall
They glistened and shone, with every color, in Gods rainbow

Now ill never ever be afraid of dyin

Heres the truth she conveyed, death is not a scary place,
Just a station where we stop, travelin from this world as our souls go up,
To the Golden peaceful gates, of heaven.

She gave me my life to live, the most precious gift she could give,
Now she was lettin me see, dying is actually easy, if... your goin to heaven.

Now Ill never, ever be afraid of dyin.

Mamas Flown away, with the angels that day, and as I watched her go, I could hardly bear the
sorrow, my broken heart and empty tomorrow's

Now Ill never, ever be afraid of dyin.