Charlie Stone
Charlie Stone

On a windy street corner lives a guy named Charlie Stone;
Beggin’ change from strangers who look at him with scorn
Charlie Stone's just a shadow now of the man he used to be
But for the grace of God he could be you or me

Charlie once was rock solid … a pillar of this town
No one knows how his story goes … or what brought the big man down
Could have been the whiskey … could have been a broken love
We drop some change in Charlie's cup … and thank the Lord it ain't us

Charlie Stone’s almost gone he's fadin' fast
Chicago winds are blownin’ away all of Charlie's past
The good life's gone that Charlie knew … it's gone, gone, gone
And the "Windy City" soon will take … what's left of Charlie Stone

Could’ve been a brother lost or been a brother saved
Could’ve have been the saviour in disguise
I just know he was all alone ... and I know Charlie Stone’s goin’
And the Windy City winds … will say goodbye


Don't it make you kind of wonder .. how you managed to escape
Whether accident of nature .. or a simple quirk of fate
But Charlie sits in sad remembrance, of better days gone by,
And curses life for what it’s become and hangs his head and cries.
