Betsy Miss Betsy 3:20
Betsy Betsy, you were one of a kind,
A frontier woman ahead of your time.
A long time ago in things that I read,
You made history with needle and thread.
Betsy, Betsy you sewed buttons and seems,
You had a plan in this new land of dreams.
Your circle of stars for a Country so young,
Betsy Miss Betsy, do you know what you've done?
Betsy Betsy, you did it right
Stitch by stitch - dim candlelight.
Our Stars and Stripes started with you.
Betsy Miss Betsy, you've always been true
More than two-hundred years, my how we've changed
We added some stars we've added some states.
You would be proud if you were with us today.
From a fightin thirteen, we've come a long way
Betsy Betsy, still the land of the free.
(cuse) We like our choices,we love liberty.
Our History is rich torn tattered and true.
Old Glory still waves, she's the Red White & Blue.
Betsy Miss Betsy, you've always been true.
Betsy Miss Betsy, America loves you.
Narration -
I pledge alligence to the flag, of the United States of
America. And, to the Republic for which it stands.