Lady Corrie
Lady Corrie, I never met you,
But I wrote this song so we’d never forget you,
You gave up comfort, you gave up privilege,
But you never gave up hope or courage,
Or the fight for justice or equal rights,

Acts of courage, small ones too,
Lady Corrie died for me and you,
Same age as me, you make me look at myself,
And ask why, oh why, do we kill ourselves,
When all we want is peace and equal rights?

And like Marla Ruzika, you knew what others don’t understand;
You can’t win hearts and minds with a gun in your hand,

Lady Corrie, it’s not over,
Though we live on and you don’t grow older,
You gave us courage, you gave us everything,
Someday we’ll help you win the fight,
For a world of justice and equal rights,
For a world of justice and equal rights,
For a world of peace and equal rights.