That's How the Money Gets Around
The Mayor in my hometown, I tell he was a crook
Noone had a faint idea ‘bout the money that he took
From taxpayers and kids and homeless dogs
He fooled the IRS against all odds

The Mayor in my hometown got a cut from everywhere
From toll-charges and taxes and public conveyance fares
The vendors that supplied this little town
Paid a handsome fee to this old man

Feel the Mayors greasy hands – rub your back while making plans - how to gain some dirty dimes
It takes a minute of your time – to get wrapped up in his scams
Bribery and high-class wine – That’s how the money gets around

The Mayor in my hometown, always looking neat
So auditors and grandmothers never knew he was a cheat
In politics appearances are key
to the office where the fraudster wants to be

Feel the Mayors greasy hands – rub your back while making plans - how to gain some dirty dimes
It takes a minute of your time – to get wrapped up in his scams
Bribery and high-class wine – That’s how the money gets around

Then the Sheriff came along, in his private car alone, wearing shades – there was no sun
He was knocking on the door, like so many times before, protect and serve – he wanted more

Feel the sheriff’s greasy hands – he protects and understands – how you earn your dirty dimes
Wet your beak and he’ll be kind – looks the other way this time –
with his pistol in his hand - That’s how the money gets around