
Have you ever asked the question,” just what am I doing here”,
What is the purpose of my life or does anyone really care.
Does anyone know how I feel, is there hope for me somewhere.
Why don’t you open up your bible you’ll find the answer there.

Questions, wondrous questions, how we ponder the questions of life.
Trials and tribulations cause us heartache envy and strife

Life is full of big surprises of that I’m fairly sure.
most of them you’ll agree with me are seldom ever pure
They’ll cause us to question just who we are, and what we’re doing here.
Is there a higher purpose, and why do we live in fear.

Questions. Wondrous questions. Questions about eternal life.
How can we reach it, through this heartache envy and strife?

The Bible has the answer to the purpose of your life.
It tells that we should try to be just like Jesus Christ
But, in sin we were begotten conceived in iniquity,
Redeemed back to the Father on the cross of Calvary

For whosoever will, may have eternal life. Let them come to the father in the name of Jesus Christ. He will satisfy your questions with the presence of his son. And he will answer all your questions one by one
Questions. wondrous questions. How we ponder the questions of life.
Trials and tribulations cause us heartache envy and strife.