Wake up Call
Root: “E” “
I was wakened up one morning to the sound of a man.(8) 1,2,
Preaching on the radio with a bible in his hand, (8) 1,2
He said: Listen to me neighbor, get on your knees and pray.

The Lord is coming back and he might come back today. 2.
(A). b#
He's coming for a people that is free from sin, "been washed in
the blood, been born again.
He talked about a savior, born in Bethlehem.8
He said “the Virgin Mary” had gave birth to him.8
She called him Jesus and he died for our sins.8
If we’ll call upon him we can be born again.8
4 count roll

I layed there awhile longer and I listened to his voice. 8 1, 2,
I thought about his topic wondering do I have a choice. 8.1,2,
Then all of a sudden he started to shout;
that he was going to heaven and he said that there was no doubt.
He said that his life had been set free from sin .
Been washed in the blood; "been born again".

2nd bridge (Same as first)

Then he started talking about a place that he called Hell.
And the torments in that are that place no earthly tongue can tell.
He said that that in that place is the penalty of sin.
And the ones that have to go there, "Ain't been born again"
Then I got out of bed and got down on my knees. (8)
I cried unto the Lord: Dear God if you please, (8)
Forgive me of my sins and save me so that I, (8)
Don't have to go to hell when it comes my time to die. (8)
I got baptized in water to wash away my sins. Now I can testify. "Been born again

There's a moral to this story. And you should listen well. (8) 1, 2.
If you're not saved when you die then you will go to hell (bass walk down)
"Prepare to meet thy God". That's what the bible says'.
we shall all stand before him on our judgment day.
Ask God to forgive you and save you from your sins.
Get baptized in water." Get born again"
(4b) born again, (4b) born again (4b) born again(hold)
12 beat banjo tag