Starry Lullaby/Maybe I Might
As the moon lights up the sky
The stars begin to cry
So another day
Has raced away
How swift the run of time

“Dry your tears, little lights,”
The kindly owl invites.
“No bells of morning ring,
No thrushes sing
Without the hush of night.”

Welcome twilight hour
The twinkling stars rejoice
With group elation
Humming with delight

Like the coos of playful doves
Songs in trees above
So the music ends
Goodbye to friends
The mournful lot of love

Seeking days of untold joy
All senses to employ
Happy voices soar
With songs in store
No parting can destroy

Welcome twilight hour
The twinkling stars rejoice
The starry skies
Sing lullabies
Verses to enjoy

When the darkest clouds appear
When ache dissolves all cheer
When wealth begins to wane
And wounds remain
Hope is always near

Deep despair will fade
Treasures all decay
Music will endure
The rarest cure
To rinse all grief away

Welcome twilight hour
The twinkling stars rejoice
Tales and memories
Bright as rubies
Send us on our way.