pandora, it's got me
you've opened up the lid
obsession, and heartache
that box's evil bid
where is it
the last thing
the one that's left inside
it's no use
hope's gone too
i'm off on this bad ride

it's really very plain to see
i'm in for some great misery
all caught up in the web you weave
just for erotic proximity

there's no sleep, forget peace
all rational is gone
a mind taken over
i've heard the siren song
you've got me , i'm captured
swept underneath your spell
i can't live in my skin
a special kind of hell

it's not like this is new to me
to borrow trouble so easily
pandora may have lift the lid
but i'll jump in just wait and see

pandora , you've brought all
these ills on human kind
i wrap myself in them
completely lose my mind
they say there's a
fine line between love
and regret
it's more like a tightrope
you walk without a net