Natalie MacMaster and Donnell Leahy - The Case of the Mysterious Squabbyquash

The Case of the Mysterious Squabbyquash is the tune that has taken the longest to complete, ever!!
Most of my music comes to me naturally; an idea morphs out of messing around on the fiddle, I stay with it and a tune is born. Sometimes Natalie joins me to finish it and we are happy!

But I set out to write this tune with a purpose. I wanted a fast, simple, driving piece to play on stage. So I wrote Squabbyquash and excitedly added it to the show, but the response from audiences was nice or respectful. I wasn’t looking for “nice”! My brothers commented (only after prompting) that it was “ok”. I don’t like ok!
So we worked on it, changed the arrangement , re wrote parts and it still wasn’t right. This happened multiple times. I would phone Elmer and say, “I have an idea for Squabby!” He would laugh hard. Natalie and Elmer started adding words to the title every time I re worked it. It has become The Case of the Mysterious Squabbyquash!

I added one of my earlier compositions to the end to give it an extra bit of energy for a big finish. In this new form, it has not been tested in front of an audience so I really don’t know what people are going to think. I can tell you I like it and Elmer’s guitar solo is great!