Candy Lee
Candy Lee is a "golden voiced" singer/songwriter who combines her love for folk, jazz, indie, and conscious music to create her own original style. She is currently performing with her band, the Sweets, which consists of Jennifer Graham on bass and back up vox, Emily Jenkins on back up vox, Dan Dean on percussion, and Warren Dietzel on mandolin. The band helps to create moving, almost whimsical music, which sets the mood for a mix of sultry and playful three part vocal harmonies
  • Members:
    Candy Lee, Dan Dean, Emily Jenkins, Warren Dietzel, Omar Ruiz-Lopez
  • Sounds Like:
    The love child of Devendra Banhart and Fiona Apple
  • Influences:
    Devendra Banhart, Fiona Apple, Radiohead, Eisley
  • AirPlay Direct Member Since:
  • Profile Last Updated:
    08/20/23 10:49:58

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