Sunshine On My Soul (4:14) (Feature Track) (Video Below)
Written, arranged, produced, recorded and performed by
Cabela and Schmitt
(C) 2019

Distributed & published by:

Release date 10-1-2019

Contact - Rich

You oughta be in the movies
Maybe even be on tv
You ought to be in the spotlight
Maybe be anything you wanna be

I always thought you would see
How special you could be
And could you ever believe
The spell you put on me

You oughta be in the movies
For everyone to see

You dropped a ray of sunshine on my soul
And then a little rain to help me grow
Oh sunshine on my soul
You blew away the clouds that hide the sky
And gave me wings to fly a mile high
Oh Higher and higher

You oughta be in the movies
For everyone to see

You oughta be in the big time
Get your name across the marque
You oughta be in the limelight maybe go
Anywhere you wanna be

I always thought you would see
How amazing you could be
And would you ever believe
The spell you put on me

You oughta be in the movies
For everyone to see

You dropped a ray of sunshine on my soul
And then a little rain to help me grow
Oh sunshine on my soul
You blew away the clouds that hide the sky
And gave me wings to fly a mile high
Oh Higher and higher

You oughta be in the movies
For everyone to see