Everything is Bigger in Alaska
Last week I caught a salmon
Weighed five hundred pounds
Took a team of huskies
To haul it into town
Had no oven big enough
To put it on to bake
Took it to the sawmill
Cut it into steaks
Everything is bigger in Alaska
That’s what you’ll hear everybody say
Everything is bigger in Alaska
It’s not always good to be that way
Last month hunting in the woods
Thought that I would die
Came across a grizzly bear
Stood six stories high
By the time he bent over
To reach down to the ground
I was safe behind a birch tree
Sixty feet around
We’ve got the biggest mountains
You’d ever want to climb
The biggest hearted people
You’d ever hope to find
Got the biggest caribou
Got the biggest trout
But the world’s biggest gold mine
We sure can do without
And the world’s biggest gold mine
We sure can do without