Just Another Mile Or Two (Bluegrass Version)
Fans of bluegrass music will appreciate this recent release from singer songwriter Bob Stump. This song is a good old school story telling walking folk blues. An expressive vocal set up with a Doc Watson style flat pick underneath. Stamina, perseverance , commitment to his craft and respect for the music that came before him are proclaimed by the stories main character. The song speaks to the many troubadours that ‘ply their trade” and pass the hat in small venues and stages across America. These folks are driven by a calling that can not be explained, often forsaking long term relationships and all the while lamenting of home.
Bob tells a timeless American story , or Is it a vanishing America story?
With this work , Bob takes you down one of America’s side roads “just another mile or two”.
Bob Stump -guitar & vocal
Tom White - banjo & harmony vocal
Roy Coates -bass & harmony vocal
Andy Bing -dobro /mandolin
Michael Cleveland-fiddle
“Bob brings a nice Jerry Jeff Walker and John Prine feel with “Mile Or Two”. Good work with a band that does not get in the way and a nice banjo break jumps out.”
-John Mc Euen