Bob Sima
  • Periphery
  • Map In My Lap
When Bob Sima opens his mouth to sing, what comes out is beyond the human sounds of a warm and soulful voice, yep, there’s more. A story, a nudge, a reminder, an angle on something very familiar you probably have never considered. A poet, observer, scribe, sometimes reluctant healer all bundled up into one singing songwriting bundle of energy so tapped in…he kinda needs a glass. His right hand slaps the guitar in a seemingly casual fashion, usually in rhythm with all of the toes in the room. Bob lives in “rural” Maryland, high on a hill, wife, son, dog, and simply more happiness than one person should ever be allowed to have, so in short, he is not a blues singer.

There is no way to encapsulate the record “Pour It On” other than his tagline “Good Music for Good People”, you just have to listen for yourself to catch the vibe of this troubadour, you’ll be glad you did. The record is full of funky acoustic guitar, rich piano, a taste of gospel, folk, and out front the voice of Bob and the words you won’t soon forget. Not a topical or thematic songwriter, Bob is as comfortable with a raucous storytelling rambler as he is with a soft mellow ballad and why not throw in some alt country? All mind you without pretense or shoegazing. Real stuff, meaty and worth repeating. So come on in, listen, repeat.

2008 Kerrville New Folk Finalist

2008 Winner! Wildflower Songwriting Contest

2008 Solarfest Songwriting Finalist

2007 Falcon Ridge Folk Festival Emerging Artist Showcase

2007 Mid Atlantic Song Contest Winner (GOLD)

2007 Mountain Stage Newsong Live Round Mid Atlantic Finalist

2007 Billboard Song Contest Honorable Mention (2 songs)

2007 Susquehanna Music and Arts Festival Songwriting Contest Finalist

2007 Avalon Music and Arts Festival Rising Star Contest Finalist

2007 Takoma Park Folk Festival Emerging Artist Showcase
  • Members:
    Bob Sima
  • Sounds Like:
    A CD
  • Influences:
  • AirPlay Direct Member Since:
  • Profile Last Updated:
    08/14/23 20:31:18

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