When I Couldn't Find Jesus
When I Couldn’t Find Jesus
Words and Music by
Tony Gable
written 9/2008 BMI

Verse 1

Broken and busted, beat down
disgusted, Alone in a world
so cold; No friends around,
problems got me down, Don’t
which way to go, Then on a bended
knee in an alter of prayer,
Jesus he met me there;


When I couldn’t find Jesus,
Jesus found me; The burden was
so heavy, brought me to my knees;
But when I called on his name; he
heard my plea; And when I couldn’t
find Jesus, Jesus found me;
Yes when I couldn’t find Jesus,
Jesus found me;

Verse 2

Alone in the desert, scared
beyond measure, Looking at the
mountain ahead, So hard to climb,
one step at a time, Not knowing
if I’ll live or die; But the more
I climb the more I see, The nail
scarred hand leading me;