07 A Litttle Bit Weird 2:44
2 sec lead-in Radio Friendly
Fun, Silly

This is the first children's song I ever wrote that didn’t contain profanity. A song about our differences.

Jeff Wall - Vocals, Acoustic Guitar
Evan Campfield - Bass
Aaron Cummings - Drums
Jack Gorham - Accordion

Words & Music - Jeff Wall

This is the first children's song that I ever wrote that contained no profanity.

There are two different stories behind this song

Story number one:

I played a Songwriter in the Round at this tiny coffee shop, about the size of a two car garage. There were supposed to be three of us playing that evening, but one guy still hadn’t arrived by show time. We went ahead and started without him. When he finally arrived, he started dragging in and setting up all of this PA equipment while we were performing. A mic stand, a big fancy Condenser microphone, amplifiers, monitor wedge, speaker columns, etc etc. Now this coffee shop was too small for any of this. If he pluged in, he would deafen everybody in the place. We told him he didn’t need a PA, in fact that he couldn’t use it. He told us he wasn’t planning on plugging it in, but he felt naked without it and needed it in order to be able to play.


Then during the gig, he would play his song and then he would immediately get up while the next guy was singing his song, walk in front of everybody, go outside and smoke a cigarette until it was time for him to play again.

On the way home my wife and I were talking about the gig. “What did you think about the show?"
"I thought it went well. You sounded good"
"What about THAT guy?”
“I thought he was a good songwriter. He seemed like an alright guy. Kind of strange though. Really strange. I don’t think he’s dangerous or anything, he’s just a little bit weird.”

Story number two.

I had a friend named Mac, who has since passed on. Mac was a junkie early on in life. He would break into pharmacies when he was young, but apparently wasn’t very skilled at being a sriminal as he ended up in Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary on the civilain side. (Leavenworth is also a Military prison, on the other side) Mac did his time, got out, and he eventually got clean. He turned his life around, and he spend the next 25 years helping other to get clean and turn their lives around.

Mac once claimed that he had the perfect job. “I ride around all day in an air-conditioned pick-up truck, drinking coffee, and listening to the radio. Every once in a while I have to stop the truck, get out, and shovel a flat dog or cat off of the road, and then I get back in my truck, drive around some more , drinking coffee, and listening to the radio. They are paying me to do this, and I'm getting government benefits. You just can’t beat a job like that.”

We miss you Mac. WWMD