Beny Blaq
  • Silence is Forbidden
  • Silence is Forbidden
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Born to the world August 31, 1977, Brooklyn, NY native Beny Blaq discovered he had an interest in poetry at the age of 13. Inspired by the revolutionary art form of poetry and spoken word which he calls the "greatest forum of expression"; he decided to give his writing verbal life. Beny would call his writings simple but passionate, shadowing his own life and experiences. In a quest to quench the thirst of cerebral freedom, he has taken his journey and his message to the masses. Beny has performed and featured nationally at various open mic venues and community events. He has conducted writing workshops in various public schools, headlined at the Larry Neal Awarded play "Prison Poetry" at the historical Lincoln Theatre in Washington DC and recently embarked on the NACA Mid-Atlantic College tour. Beny has also been blessed with the opportunity to appear on various radio and TV outlets and has recently made an appearance on HBO’s hit series “THE WIRE”.

Inspired by the great poets Sonia Sanchez, Langston Hughes, Maya Angelou, Haki Madhubuti and many others, he proudly walks in the footsteps of those who went before him and knocked down doors for poets and independent artists today. Beny penned the phrase SILENCE IS FORBIDDEN to represent his belief that the current state of the world demands that we can no longer afford to be silent. He believes that unifying through this art form will open the doors for himself as well as other independent artist to realize and manifest their dreams. His mission and passion is to not only write and share his words, but to help create a space for artists to share their art and talent with the world while also living prosperous lives for themselves and generations to come.

Inspired by this revolutionary art form, which he calls the "greatest forum and expression of freedom of speech", he decided to give his writing verbal life. Beny would call his writings simple but passionate, shadowing his own life and experiences. In a quest to quench the thirst of cerebral freedom, he has taken his journey and his message to the masses. Performing at various open mic venues and community events has motivated him to reach and teach through his words.
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    08/17/23 05:01:05

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