I America (Perfect for the July 4th holiday!)
I was born
on independence day
July fourth
They signed their lives away
That I might form
a more perfect union

But I’m not perfect
And never claimed to be
My architects
were men who believed
in life, liberty and
pursuit of happiness

I am a father
I am a mother
I am a neighbor
I’m like no other
I am a wise man
I am a newborn child
Oh, I am America!

People came
In any way they could
on iron ships and
dinghy’s made of wood
‘cause they believed
In streets paved with gold

But they learned
By the hammer and the axe
That what is earned
On their broken backs
Is worth more than
I could ever give


I’ve been blessed
By the almighty god
But I can’t rest
From those who want me gone
Every day’s a test
whether I will endure

So I
leave it up to you
To stand and fight
For all that you can lose
And keep light
In the harbour burning bright

Oh, I am America!