Pass you by
Life will just pass you by, next thing you know your 25 – and the shinning eyes you once had when you were a child – they disappear there gone – Time will just rush right by in the blink of an eye and thoughts fly through your mind when you look up to the sky you start to sing you sing – life will just pass you by – life will just pass you by – life will just pass you by next thing you know your 35 – it gets so hard to survive hard to strive in this world but you continue to sing but you continue to sing sing life will just pass you by – life will just pass you by – life will just pass you by next thing you know your 45 then you’ll realize when – so many people around you have died and you still sing you sing – life will just pass you by – life will just pass you by – life will just pass you by life will just pass you by