Broken Toys (4:04)
Broken Toys

Contact info:
Paula Hersom - Horizontal Trees, LLC

Songwriter, Publisher, PRO:
Allen Foster Higgins / Horizontal Trees LLC / BMI

ISRC: QZ CUU 18-00012

Release date: October 2019

“Broken Toys,” an acoustic, Americana inflected track written from the perspective of playthings that have been cast aside. Full of bittersweet charm, the song was written for Paula’s grand kids, who live with them.

The Minutes and the Mistress was recorded at sessions in late 2017 and early 2018 at Yellow Dog Studios in Wimberly, Texas (near Austin) with award-winning producer David Percefull. The album’s nine songs are a mix of rock ‘n roll, hard rock, Americana, country, and some powerful hybrid sounds that are as rugged and individualistic as Foster. “I’ve always believed you can become anything you want to be,” he says. “I don’t put labels on things, and I put no boundaries on music either.” Fittingly, he cites diverse influences and favorites including Jimmy Page, Lynyrd Skynyrd, The Corrs, Alice In Chains, Bob Seger, Georgia Satellites, and Sara Bareilles.

In creating songs, Foster – an English honors student in his school days – says he likes to write short stories and set them to music. He adds, “But, as a producer once told me, a short story is supposed to be just that, don’t put too much information in.” Foster’s spare narratives are packed with powerful emotions, though, and his always
heartfelt delivery.

All these “short stories” are both introspective and emotionally vulnerable, offering an authentic human connection for listeners. Foster aims to search for the honesty and truth in things, a quest that flows naturally through all his endeavors – his stewardship of the forests of Maine, and the creative expression that is tapping into his equally deep dedication to be an artist making music that moves and matters.

Allen Foster: Vocals, Guitars
Josh Center: Drums
Adam J Odor: Bass
J. Meridian: Backing Vocals