Stella Prince - Crying on a Saturday Night

On her new single, “Crying on a Saturday Night,” Stella Prince finds the perfect musical and emotional balance of her precocious writing, playing, and singing skills with the authenticity and clarity of youth. “The reason I wrote this song is because I know there are millions of people out there that feel the exact same way as me, especially during these difficult times,” she says of the loneliness she distills into the form of a lost love song. “I just thought there should be a song for us that we can all relate to.”
At just 17 she has already found her voice, synthesizing influences like Alison Krauss, Joni Mitchell, and Emmylou Harris, into a honest writing and singing style. Studying voice at 4 and piano at 6, and beginning to write songs at 10, by the time Prince was 13 she had developed her own fingerpicking guitar style that drives the layered vocals and gentle fiddle of “Crying on a Saturday Night.” She has already co-written with Nashville pros and appeared at the famed Bluebird Café there. “It has been so amazing to connect with such incredible talent on a regular basis in Nashville. I learn from them, and they make me grow as a writer.”

That’s just music. The teen has already completed two years of college and published widely as a poet. Her goal is no less audacious that bringing folk music to the forefront of her generation. “I truly believe in this music. It's so relatable and so meaningful,” Prince says. “I don't see folk music as a throwback whatsoever, but more as a bridge to music's future.”