How'd I End Up In Your Bed (1:57)

How’d I End Up In Your Bed – (1:57) 152 bpm (up-tempo rock my socks off)

Contact: Mark Lightcap
(530) 801-1216

Songwriter: Mark R. Lightcap - ASCAP

Publishing: Chester Street Publishing - ASCAP

ISRC: QZYFK2300013

Recorded at: Bad Daddy Studios

This song is about being so infatuated and sexually attracted to someone that despite the other person’s transgressions somehow you continue to end up in their bed. You swear to yourself that you’ll never let it happen again, yet it does. Can’t say I’ve ever actually experienced that but that’s the beauty of songwriting; you don’t have to experience something to write about it. You just call upon your mind, imagine it, and out pops a song.

It’s a major up-tempo tune that challenges my prowess on the piano. My fingers go about as fast as my fingers can go, but what a blast to play. Mark Wilson again creates and plays a blistering electric guitar part that fits the song perfectly. We worked on this one into the night when we recorded it, finally getting what we hoped was a finished take around 3 o’clock in the morning. Being at it that long we weren’t sure if we had done any good until we heard it the next day. We dragged our tired butts into the studio around noon to listen. We were all smiles when the tracks blasted out of the monitors and we knew we had a keeper!

Lead vocal: Lightcap Lead guitar: Wilson Piano: Lightcap Drums: Boomba Backing vocals: Carini, Darlene Marie Bass guitar: Hilke