My Kind of Company (2:40)

My Kind of Company – (2:40) 110 bpm

Contact: Mark Lightcap
(530) 801-1216

Songwriter: Mark R. Lightcap - ASCAP

Publishing: Chester Street Publishing - ASCAP

ISRC: QZYFK2300009

Recorded at: Bad Daddy Studios

I’ve always liked to write songs about a chance meeting with an attractive (hot) person of the opposite sex. “My Kind of Company” is just such a song. The lyric in the first 4 lines sets the tone for the rest of the song:
“There you were just sittin’ all alone
Lookin’ kind of lost
New in town but never new in love
Fakin’ shy as the party rages on”

Mark Wilson is once again instrumental in bringing this rockin’ dance song to life. His Strat weaves its magic in and out of the tune, then brings it home with some great octave licks during the tag. Boomba and Hilke, drums/bass respectively, leave their egos at home and hold down the bottom playing exactly what the song needs, no more no less. Also, I brought in a whole bunch of female vocalists to sing on the chorus. It gave the song a kind of party feel.

Lead vocal: Lightcap Lead guitar: Wilson Rhythm guitar: Lightcap Drums: Boomba Backing vocals: Carini, Darlene Marie and friends Bass guitar: Hilke