Why I Quit Drinkin'
You're the reason why I quit drinkin'
You're the reason I found Jesus
Well I got no sould to save
But I'll save the rest for you
Just cause I love ya

You're the reason why I can't stop thinkin'
In many ways it's just like bing drinkin'
Well I don't know who to blame
I should take it all the same
Just cause I love ya

Well I tried so hard
Sold my home and sold the yard
Just cause I love ya

You're the reason why I'm in the program
You're the reason I slept with my sponsor
Well I tried to play the game
But you found me out again
Just cause I love ya

Well I tried so hard
Sold my guitar and the dog
Just cause I love ya
Yes I do

You're the reason I went back to drinkin'
You're the reason I found my inner demons
Well now I know the games
And how I wanted it to end
Just cause I love ya

Well I tried so hard
Sold my truck to the junkyard
Just cause I love ya
But not no more

You're the reason I am now in prison
You're the cause of all my bad decisions
Well I tried so hard
Sold my home and sold the yard
Sold my guitar and the dog
Sold my truck to the junkyard
Sold my liver, sold my spleen
I sold everything between
Sold my heart and sold my life
And I sold my soul to the devil
Just cause I love ya

Well I tried so hard
Just to give it all away
Just cause I love ya