Home on Deranged (c) R&F Newman 1999 key of C

This little cowgirl is riding deranged
Her heart it is broken - Her pardner's estranged
This little cowgirl - Some tough times been through
This little cowgirl is ~~~~~~ screwed

This little cowgirl would like to rest here
But her cowboy and cowgirl friends think she's turning too weird so
No longer can she hang out with that ol' bunkhouse gang
This little cowgirl will be riding ~~~~~~~~~~ deranged

Yip Yippee Ky-Yo she's lost that old spunk
This little cowgirl's last sunset has sunk
And maybe you won't notice where her lasso is tied
From a distance you can't tell that her brain is quite ~~~~~~~ fried

This little cowgirl is riding deranged
Deranged Deranged
She's feeling strange
Completely drained
Across the plains
Through driving rains
Deranged Deranged
Doo lang doo lang
Doo-run Doo-run
Duran Duran
Doo wah ditty ditty dum
Deranged Deranged

[background vocal(Descant)]
How do you do you Cowgirl
Wont you ride in my corral
How do you do you cowgirl
You could boost up my morale
The way you ride, ride and rope
And I see you play with them antelope
And we will ride ride (cowgirl?)